Saturday, February 23, 2008

Some like it hot - Chili Sauces

Chilies are wonderful things. Known for their pungent flavour, they are used in many schools of cooking to add a kick to a dish. Sometimes, however, you have to keep the spice level low, in order to accommodate for people with lower tolerances for spicy foods.

So what do you do when you cook a mild dish, but want to add some extra spice to your serving once it's hit your plate?

Well, you can use a hot sauce. This one was created for a Mexican party where some of our friends aren't too fond of really hot spices. We made all the main dishes quite mild, but offered this sauce for those who wanted to add a little extra something to their plate.

Triple Chili Hotsauce
Makes about 500ml

  • 6 Habanero Chilies, Finely Chopped
  • 6 Piri Piri (African Devil) Chilies, Finely Chopped
  • 6 Red Cayenne Peppers, Finely Chopped
  • 2 Red Capsicums (Bell Peppers), Finely chopped
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic, Finely Chopped
  • 2 Cups White Wine Vinegar
  • Handful of Basil
  • Handful of Thyme
  • 1 Teaspoon Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 Tablespoon Treacle
  • 3 Tablespoons Dried Cayenne Pepper
  • 1/2 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
  • Juice of a Lemon
  • A 500ml bottle or jar, sterilized by boiling in water and then drying in a hot oven

Boil the Chopped Chilies and Garlic in the White Wine Vinegar in a Saucepan until the chilies are tender and soft, and the vinegar has boiled away.

Put into a blender and add the other ingredients. Blend until smooth, then return to the saucepan at a low heat to simmer and reduce. 

Once your sauce has reduced to the consistency of shop-bought Tomato Sauce, bring quickly to the boil, then pour into your bottle or jar.

Let your sauce sit for a week in the fridge before using, and start small as it will be nice and hot. It should last in the fridge for about four months.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Welcome to Recipes of a Twentysomething Culinary Romance.

We're just getting started at the moment, so hopefully there will be some new recipes up and running before too long.

Tomorrow night should be something special to get us underway - so special that we've started it this evening so it'll be ready in time.

We hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy writing.

- Leigh and Jacqueline